Products       ExpressPlay DRM

multi-DRM service

ExpressPlay DRM is a media protection platform
for OTT streaming services

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ExpressPlay multi-DRM service

A cloud-based digital rights management service enabling secure low-latency streaming with global footprint and proven scalability.

The ExpressPlay multi-DRM service supports all major digital rights management systems: Apple FairPlay Streaming, Google Widevine, Microsoft PlayReady, and the long established Marlin specification. It is a cost effective solution that scales to protect millions of concurrent global viewers for major live events.

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Global OTT security and device compatibility

The cloud-based ExpressPlay multi-DRM service is optimized for rights holders and operators of SVOD, AVOD, FAST, and DTC streaming services. The service offers the broadest device compatibility in a fragmented OTT universe. It meets the most stringent content licensing requirements for live and premium VOD services. Scalability is proven in some of the world’s largest live streaming deployments, supported by regional redundancy and fail-over options.

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Comprehensive real-time analytics

ExpressPlay DRM Dashboard and Metrics API provides interactive data analytics for all regions where an operator provides OTT streaming services. The data offers insights to help improve the viewer QoE and contribute to cost effective operations.

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Comprehensive compatibility conquers device fragmentation

ExpressPlay supports DRM license management for all major DRMs, operating systems and adaptive bitrate protocols. Its comprehensive compatibility allows services to be delivered securely to all kinds of client devices: smart TVs, Win/Mac browsers, Android and iOS devices, and STBs.

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Facilitates premium content licensing

The ExpressPlay multi-DRM service adheres to MovieLabs' Enhanced Content Protection specification. The studio-trusted security facilitates licensing of premium UHD 4K live and on-demand content, including support for forensic watermarking and anti-piracy services.

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Choice of ExpressPlay SDKs or native DRM clients

ExpressPlay Binary SDK for Android
Playback of protected HLS and MPEG-DASH content even on devices without native DRM support.

ExpressPlay Binary SDK for iOSPlayback of protected HLS and MPEG-DASH content on iOS devices.

ExpressPlay Source SDK Playback of protected content in smart TVs and STBs.

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Global OTT operator secures live sports services

Learn how a leading OTT streaming operator with top-tier live sports league programming and 100,000+ hours of drama, movies, sports and news content successfully scaled its cloud-based multi-DRM service to record size audiences.

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Partner solutions for the real world

Intertrust and select partners of complementary products and services offer joint solutions to address the many challenges OTT operators face. Operators can reduce cost and risk while speeding time-to-market by choosing among our pre-integrated solutions.

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Fastly on-the-fly secure packaging

Integrated Fastly and Intertrust workflow optimizes performance with streamlined secure packaging and playback of DRM-protected content, combining Fastly’s on-the-fly packaging with Intertrust’s ExpressPlay multi-DRM service. The solution provides a one-stop highly scalable and secure workflow for content packaging and delivery with studio-approved security and minimal latency, to any device.

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AWS Elemental Media Services

ExpressPlay multi-DRM service is interoperable with AWS Elemental MediaPackage and AWS Elemental MediaConvert, leveraging the Secure Packager and Encoder Key Exchange (SPEKE) interface to protect premium content for live and on-demand OTT streaming services. The solution enables secure streaming anywhere, anytime, and on any device–using any DRM.

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ExpressPlay XCA icon

ExpressPlay XCA

Cloud-based service for protecting broadcast TV content leveraging the long established Marlin DRM. Pay-TV operators and broadcasters can deliver premium/UHD content directly to smart TVs without STBs or external security hardware. This results in a major reduction of TCO.

ExpressPlay Anti-Piracy Services icon

ExpressPlay Anti-Piracy Services

The service incorporates web piracy monitoring and legal enforcement for linear, live event and VOD content. Choice of client-side or server-side forensic watermark insertion.

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