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개발자 센터

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NOTE: We’ve updated our service. 더 알아보기

If we’ve not yet migrated you to the new service,
click here to see the Legacy Service Admin

Service Admin

ExpressPlay Admin is a web console for easy administration of your account and service activity.



The Dashboard provides an overview of your ExpressPlay account status.


Subscriptions tab provides access to each of the services offered by ExpressPlay (including the end-points for each service)

  1. URLs for Test API Endpoints
  2. URLs for Production API Endpoints


Reports tab provides a detailed history of redeemed tokens. The token history can be retrieved by using the Record Retrieval API


The ExpressPlay SDK is provided under different terms based on the intended use case, follow these steps to download the SDK.

API Keys

The API Keys/Customer Authenticators Tab enables the creation and management of the customers API Keys, which are also referred to as Customer Authenticators. After signing up you will need to create a Customer Authenticator.

Manage Account

The account settings section provides your account details including the ability to manage the active subscriptions.