How DRM lead to modern solutions for data collaboration

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Por David P. Maher



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About David P. Maher

David Maher has over 30 years of experience in secure computing and is responsible for Research and Development at Intertrust. In addition, he is currently President of Seacert Corporation, a certificate authority for the Internet of Things, a developer of application security software, and Co-chairman of the Marlin Trust Management Organization which oversees the world’s only independent digital rights management ecosystem. Before joining Intertrust in 1999, Maher was chief scientist for AT&T Secure Communications Systems, Head of the Secure Systems Research Department, and security architect for AT&T’s Internet services platform. After joining Bell Labs in 1981, he developed secure communications, information vending, and e-commerce systems. He was Chief Architect for AT&T’s STU-III secure voice, data, and video products used by the White House and Department of Defense for top-secret communications. In 1992, Maher became a Bell Labs Fellow in recognition of his accomplishments in communications security. Maher holds dozens of patents in secure computing; has published papers in the fields of mathematics and computer science; and has consulted with the National Science Foundation, National Security Agency, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment. Maher holds a Ph.D. in mathematics from Lehigh University. He has taught electrical engineering, mathematics, and computer science at several institutions.

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