Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- s -
- s
: WSB_TimeCode
- sample_rate
: WSB_AudioMediaInfo
, WSB_StreamInfo
- sample_size
: WSB_AudioMediaInfo
- SaveLink
: SHI_RegistrationDataManager
- SaveNode
: SHI_RegistrationDataManager
- scheme
: WSB_MediaAesDecrypterConfig
- scrambling_control
: TS2_Packet
- sdr_compatible
: TS2_DoviStreamInfo
- seamless_splice
: TS2_AdaptationField_Extension
- secondary
: TS2_DoviStreamInfo
- seconds
: SHI_ActionOnTimeElapsedCallbackParameters
, SHI_DateTime
, WSB_DateTime
- section
: TS2_Table
- section_length
: TS2_SectionHeader
- section_number
: TS2_SectionHeader
- section_syntax_indicator
: TS2_SectionHeader
- Seek
: WSB_MediaStreamInterface
- seek_result
: WSB_MediaSourceSeekDoneEvent
- segment_index
: WSB_MediaSegmentInfo
- segment_info
: WSB_MediaSourceMediaSegmentEvent
- segment_number
: WSB_MediaSegmentDecrypter_HlsInitData
- segment_retry_period
: WSB_MediaSourceConfig
- SelectRepresentation
: WSB_MediaSourceRepresentationSelectorInterface
- SelectStream
: WSB_MediaSourceStreamSelectorInterface
- SerializeFields
: TS2_Descriptor
- service
- service_exception
: SHI_TransactionResult
- short_description
: WSB_ComponentInfo
- signaling_type
: TS2_DoviStreamInfo
- signed_payload
- signed_payload_size
: TS2_KSM_Programme
, TS2_KSM_Service
- silent_rights_url
: TS2_MarlinRightsInfo
- single_file
: WSB_MediaDownload_Content
- size
: SHI_LicenseDataReceivedEvent
, WSB_MediaFileInfo
, WSB_StreamInfo
, XPCA_PackageContentArray
, XPCA_UintArray
- skip_byte_block
: WSB_DecSchemeCencCbcs
- source_content_type
: WSB_PlaylistProxy_MediaSourceParams
- specific
: TS2_SectionHeader
, WSB_MediaInfo
- splice_countdown
: TS2_AdaptationField
- start
: WSB_MediaPeriodInfo
- start_result
: WSB_MediaSourceStartDoneEvent
- startDate
: XPCA_Package
- State
: WSB_MediaDownload_Listener
- state
: WSB_MediaDownload_Status
, WSB_MediaSourceStateChangedEvent
- stats
: WSB_MediaSegmentInfo
- status
: XPCA_Content
- stop_result
: WSB_MediaSourceStopDoneEvent
- stream_id
: TS2_PesPacket
- stream_index
: WSB_MediaDataInfo
, WSB_MediaInitSegmentInfo
, WSB_MediaSegmentInfo
- string
: SHI_AttributeValue
, SHI_DataValue
- subsample_count
: WSB_CommonEncCbcsSampleParams
, WSB_CommonEncCencSampleParams
- subsamples
: WSB_CommonEncCbcsSampleParams
, WSB_CommonEncCencSampleParams
- subtitle_lang
: WSB_PlaylistProxy_MediaSourceParams
- subtitle_name
: WSB_PlaylistProxy_MediaSourceParams
- subtitle_url
: WSB_PlaylistProxy_MediaSourceParams
- subtitles_file_name
: WSB_MediaDownload_Content
- system_id
: TS2_CADescriptor