Wasabi ExpressPlay SDK for Embedded Systems  1.23.0
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 EmbErrorCodes.hResult codes
 EmbItem.hEMBB Item API
 EmbProcessor.hEMB (Extended Marlin Broadcast) Processor API
 EmbStorage.hEMBB Storage API
 EmbTypes.hEMBB Result
 ExpressPlay.hTop Level include file
 ShiCrypto.hCrypto Support
 ShiData.hGeneric Data Objects
 ShiEngine.hDRM Engine
 ShiLicenseInfo.hLicense Info
 ShiList.hGeneric Lists
 ShiProperties.hProperty Lists
 ShiResults.hResult codes
 ShiService.hBroadband Services
 ShiTransaction.hAsynchronous Transactions
 ShiTypes.hCommon data types
 ShiVersion.hSDK Version Declaration
 WsbActionResultConstraint.hWasabi Action Result Constraint API
 WsbActionResultInfo.hWasabi Action Result Info API
 WsbComponents.hWasabi Component Info
 WsbConfigActionResultValidator.hWasabi Action Result Validator
 WsbDrmDbus.hA Wasabi Marlin DRM D-Bus interface
 WsbEcmDecrypter.hWasabi EcmDecrypter API
 WsbElements.hWasabi Element API
 WsbKeyManager.hWasabi Key Manager API
 WsbLicenseStore.hWasabi License Store API
 WsbMediaAccess.hWasabi Media Access API
 WsbMediaAdapter.hWasabi Media Adapter API
 WsbMediaAesDecrypter.hMarlin Media AES Decrypter API
 WsbMediaDownload.hWasabi MediaDownload API
 WsbMediaFile.hWasabi Media File API
 WsbMediaSegmentDecrypter.hMarlin Media Segment Decrypter API
 WsbMediaStream.hWasabi Media Stream API
 WsbMs3Client.hWasabi MS3 Client API
 WsbMs3Sas.hWasabi MS3 SAS API
 WsbPlaybackEnabler.hWasabi Playback Enabler API
 WsbPlaylistProxy.hWasabi Playlist Proxy API
 WsbProxyManager.hWasabi Proxies Manager
 WsbResultHelper.hWasabi Result Helper
 WsbResults.hResult codes
 WsbRightsEnabler.hWasabi Rights Enabler API
 WsbRuntime.hWasabi Runtime
 WsbTypes.hWasabi Result